




◆ 研究方向:生物菌肥与生物农药的研究与开发,土壤生物改良剂的研究与开发,秸秆促腐剂的研究与开发等与微生物相关的研究工作。

◆ 教学工作:



◆ 科研教研项目:

(1)保护地无公害蔬菜生产生物保障体系的开发应用,1254CGZIF32,省教育厅产业培育项目,2014/01- 5万元,在研,主持,已结题

(2)马铃薯立枯丝核菌病的发生机理与综合防治措施 ,HNk135-02-08-04,农垦总局攻关项目,6万元,2011/07-2015/08,主持,已结题

(3)垦区水稻、玉米秸秆还田促腐剂的音质与开发. 农垦总局科研课题专项 201920

 (4) 海南省海洋生物资源功能性成分研究与利用重点实验室开放课题 横向 1630052019002   

◆ 代表论文:

(1)A strong promoter of a noncry gene directs expression of the cry1Ac gene in Bacillus thuringiensis. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2018, 102: 3687–3699

(2)Enzymatic Modification of Rice Bran Polysaccharides by Enzymes from Grifola Frondosa: Natural Killer Cell Cytotoxicity and Antioxidant Activity. Journal of Food Science2018, 83(7):1948-1955

(3)Thioredoxin H (TrxH) contributes to adversity adaptation and pathogenicity of Edwardsiella piscicida. Veterinary Research,2019, 50:26

 (4)Transcriptional profile of gene clusters involved in the methylerythritol phosphate pathway in Bacillus subtilis 916. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2019, 18(3):644-655

(5)Identifi cation of similar transcriptional regulatory mechanisms in multiple cry genes in Bacillus thuringiensis HD12. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2017, 16(1): 135–143

(6)Molecular cloning and differential expression of sHSP gene familymembers from the resurrection plant Boea hygrometricain response to abiotic stresses. Biologia, 2013

◆ 专著教材:

孙冬梅, 林志伟. 黄绿木霉菌及其应用(专著)2010, 8, 东北林业大学出版: ISBN978-7-81131-653-7

台莲梅,孙冬梅. 马铃薯早疫病和黑痣病研究,哈尔滨工程大学出版社,2017